Camille Concepcion is an MSc student at the University of East Anglia currently working on her student project, looking at the patterns of Peregrine falcon population across the years in the Lothians and Border. Camille is from the Phillipines and studying in the UK.
As part of her literature review she found that racing pigeons have had quite an effect on the peregrines’ population and vice versa and she asked to come along to the SHU office to look at SHU data regarding the numbers and the routes of pigeons involved in racing.
During her visit I also arranged for her to visit the lofts of Alex and Margaret Blyth, Carluke to let her see how birds are housed and raced and to get an idea of the effects that bird of prey attacks can have on a team of pigeons. Special thanks to Margaret Blyth for making us both welcome.