It was a very great honour to be invited this year to lay a wreath at the London Cenotaph during the Remembrance day parade. 2010 marks the 10 year anniversary of my involvement with this event which started with UK wide fundraising events to erect a monument to Animals in War in London. The monument now stands in pride of place in Park Lane and is much loved by Londoners and tourists alike. Derek Partridge and Mike Armitage are still to the fore when it comes to fundraising but now the money they raise is presented each year during dinner either in the House of Commons or, as this year, in the House of Lords to various deserving causes. Brian Newson was conspicuous by his absence this year but like myself, is usually a regular at the event and has been most supportive of the movement since it’s inception. Guests this year included various celebrities including Gloria Hunniford, Kate Adie and Gerry Frincis but most specially, this year there was a table filled with servicemen recently returned from Afghanistan and another seating Gurkhas attached to the same unit. It was a sobering thought that these men, some of them just boys, were so recently in that area of conflict and extreme danger and despite injuries to some, were able to come along and represent the services at the dinner. We owe them, those that come after them and those that have gone before a great debt of gratitude.
Linda Brooks Scottish Homing Union Secretary