ANCENCIS, CLERMONT, ALENCON & YPRES as flown by the Scottish National Flying Club are the races chosen to determine the “Fancier of the Year Ina Renwick Memorial Trophy” recipient. Using a coefficient formula, the lowest score from these four races produces the winner. A Simpson had an outstanding year as can be seen in the coefficient figures below.

1st A Simpson Lauder 15.729
2nd G & B Hunter Dunfermline 18.652
3rd G Anderson Scone 19.48
4th W J Smith Maxwellton 21.341

Dale Renwick, son of the late Jim and Ina Renwick of “Scotland’s Own” fame kindly came along to make the presentation as it was the first year the SHU had been involved in making the award. Dale made a personal gift of a bottle of whisky to the winner to mark the occasion.